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305 Scouts Tour & Explore at the Kearny Library & Museum

On February 10, 2017, about 40 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and siblings from Unit 305 experienced a Night at the Museum and Library in Kearny. They met after-hours at the Main Library on Kearny Avenue for a "Tour and Explore" program designed specifically for the Scouts to experience the various programs and services available for children and adults. The Scouts rotated among four stations: a scavenger hunt of library services; viewing artifacts about Major General Philip Kearny and Fr. Washington in the Kearny Museum; paper crafting of a racing car in the assembly room; and Star Wars chocolate mold making in the kitchen. Boy Scouts and Scout leaders assisted at each of the learning stations.

In preparation for the Town of Kearny's 150th anniversary this spring, the Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos made paper racing cars and decorated them with "150" while learning about the service and sacrifice of the town's namesake, Major General Philip Kearny. Several of the cars will be displayed at the library.

Scouts from Unit 305 wish to thank Mr. Josh Humphrey, Director of the Kearny Free Public Library, and Mr. Don Moss, Curator of the Kearny Museum, for volunteering their time and sharing their knowledge. Several of the Scouts and their families had not yet been to the library or museum, so the exposure was a meaningful introduction. Each attendee was provided with a bookmark, list of upcoming events, coloring pages of General Kearny and a book cover to decorate, a guide to services in English

Kearny Cub & Boy Scouts – Unit 305 and siblings proudly display their handmade paper racing cars decorated with "150" in celebration of the Town of Kearny's Sesquicentennial

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